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Affiliate Groups

Affiliate Groups are groups for IETF participants to discuss hobbies and outside interests. They do not do IETF work!

Affiliate Groups (AG)  are not official IETF groups, they are a way for IETF participants to self-organize around a shared, non-IETF activity (like hobbies, outside interests, etc). 

They are not IETF Working Groups: they do not do IETF work, they don't produce documents, and they don't represent the IETF in any way. They are intended for people like rock climbers, HAM operators, runners, and others with similar interests.

Hallway group chat

For real-time chatting any time (during or between IETF meetings) that doesn't relate to any specific area or working group, participants are encouraged to use the Hallway Groupchat channel on the IETF's Zulip server. See the Groupchat webpage for information on the IETF's use of Zulip and how to access it.

Community India

Targeted towards increasing participation from India. We organize get-togethers during the IETF meeting and use this list to coordinate local events in India.



A gathering place for all amateur radio operators. Our goals are to foster communication and knowledge sharing among hams, as well as to interact with the broader community. A bunch of us bring HTs with us to meetings; bring yours too and we can connect....


IETF Cycling

Discussion list for finding good cycling options and events near IETF meetings venues and for sharing cycling-related experiences with IETF participants.


IETF Runners

Discussion list for finding good routes around IETF meeting venues for running, and for sharing running-related experiences with IETF participants.


IETF Sailors

Discussion list to plan sailing events collocated with IETF meetings, usually on the weekends immediately before or after an IETF.



This affiliate group is about IETFers who are also pilots, or student pilots, or simply passionate to fly aircrafts. Let's share tips and experience linked (or not!) to IETF activities.



This is a discussion list for organizing SCUBA diving around IETF meetings. You can use it to find dive buddies to go diving with, or to ask for recommendations of places to go or dive operations to dive with, or for general questions regarding diving in areas around IETF meetings.

IETF Story-Telling 

The list is for discussion of stories, books of stories, and story-telling. It can be used to set up face-to-face meetings coincident with IETF meetings to discuss story-telling and to tell stories. Cross-cultural folk tales and genres are encouraged, especially focused on the location of IETF meetings.


Warren Kumari is helping catalog IETF Affiliate Groups. If you know of an existing group which should be listed here, please send him a short summary, and pointer to the list info page. If you'd like to start a new group or mailing list, please follow the Non-Working Group Email List Guidelines process. To help keep things organized, new affiliate group lists should be called <something>-ag.